Smile Gallery

We create beautiful smiles

Here are a handful of the 10000+ cases that Dr. Tajaddod has performed for our Bay Area Residents.

Case of the Year

Our "Case of the Year" features a 10-year-old patient with severe dental crowding, impacted canines, Class III malocclusion, and sleep apnea. The parents strongly preferred a non-extraction approach, despite other orthodontists recommending extractions due to crowding. Through a carefully planned treatment involving a palatal expander, partial braces, and Invisalign, we successfully achieved ideal teeth alignment, ideal Class I occlusion, and corrected the child’s breathing issues. The non-extraction approach not only preserved all teeth, but also significantly improved the patient’s smile, profile, and overall oral health.

Case Of The Year Before PhotoCase Of The Year After Photo
Before x-ray of patient's teethAfter x-ray of patient's teeth
Before x-ray of patient's teeth
After x-ray of patient's teeth
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II malocclusion, Class II skeletal, Severe maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) crowding, Edge-Edge overbite
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Comprehensive, Braces
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III Skeletal and Dental, Edge to edge bite, Posterior right and left crossbite
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Comprehensive, Braces
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Corrected posterior crossbite, Closed anterior open bite, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face

Adult Braces

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III dental malocclusion, Class III skeletal, Anterior open-bite, Anterior crossbite, Posterior right and left crossbite, Uncoordinated arch forms, Midlines not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Corrected posterior crossbite, Closed anterior open bite, Ideal coordinated Arch forms, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Although the patient had two missing lower teeth, the final occlusion (bite) is ideal, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Unideal and deformed arch forms
Orthodontic Treatment:
Hybrid Orthodontic treatment: Braces and Invisalign, Non Extraction
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch forms, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Severe Class II skeletal and Dental, Severe Overjet, Severe Overbite, Upper and lower midlines not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non Surgical, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Midlines aligned
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II skeletal and Dental, Severe overbite, Severe maxillary (upper) crowding, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Hybrid Orthodontics, Combination of Braces and Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Although the patient had two missing lower teeth, the final occlusion (bite) is great, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental malocclusion, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) crowding, Anterior crossbite, Unideal arch forms, Constricted arches, Maxillary and Mandibular midlines were not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non Surgical, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Corrected the crossbite
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental malocclusion, Anterior open bite, Mild maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) crowding, Unideal and narrow arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non surgical, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Corrected anterior open bite, Ideal teeth alignment Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary (upper) and mild mandibular (lower) crowding, Posterior right crossbite, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non surgical, Hybrid Orthodontics, Combination of Braces and Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Corrected posterior right cross bite
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental malocclusion, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) crowding, Anterior crossbite, Unideal arch forms, Constricted arches, Maxillary and Mandibular midlines were not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non Surgical, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Corrected the crossbite
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Orthodontic Treatment:
Results Achieved:
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II dental and skeletal malocclusion, Severe crowding maxillary(upper) and mandibular(lower), Severe overbite, Severe Overjet, Uncoordinated arch forms, Midlines not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non surgical, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch forms, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III dental and skeletal malocclusion, Anterior open-bite and crossbite, Posterior right and left crossbite, Uncoordinated arch forms, Midlines not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Non surgical, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Corrected posterior crossbite, Closed anterior crossbite and open bite, Ideal coordinated Arch forms, Ideal aligned midline to the face

Adult Invisalign

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III Malocclusion, Class III skeletal, Severe constricted maxilla (upper arch), Severe maxillary and mandibular crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines Sleep Apnea, snoring
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Comprehensive, Palatal expander, Braces
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Snoring, mouth breathing corrected, Sleep Apnea diminished
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III Malocclusion, Class III skeletal, Severe constricted maxilla (upper arch), Severe maxillary and mandibular crowding, Sleep Apnea, snoring, mouth breathing, Edge-Edge overbite, Unideal and arch forms
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase II: Comprehensive
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Snoring, mouth breathing corrected, Sleep Apnea diminished
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III Malocclusion, Class III skeletal, Severe constricted maxilla (upper arch), Severe maxillary and mandibular crowding, Sleep Apnea, snoring, mouth breathing, Edge-Edge overbite, Unideal and arch forms
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Braces
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Snoring, mouth breathing corrected, Sleep Apnea diminished
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Deep overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines, Severe Sleep Apnea
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Comprehensive
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Sleep Apnea diminished, Corrected snoring and mouth breathing
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II Malocclusion, Class II skeletal, Severe constricted maxilla (upper arch), Severe maxillary crowding, Deep overbite, Unideal and arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Comprehensive, Braces
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face

Teen Braces

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines Severe sleep apnea, snoring
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander, Phase II : Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Sleep Apnea diminished, Corrected snoring and mouth breathing
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Severe overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular crowding, Impacted canines, Constricted upper and lower arches, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander, Phase II : Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Sleep Apnea diminished, Corrected snoring and mouth breathing
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class I dental occlusion, Class II skeletal, Severe overjet, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander, Phase II: Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class II occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midlines to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines, Severe Sleep Apnea
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander, Phase II : Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Sleep Apnea diminished, Corrected snoring and mouth breathing
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Severe unideal overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines, Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face

Teen Invisalign

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander and Partial braces
Results Achieved:
Prevented Extraction of the permanent premolars in very severe crowding malocclusion, Expanded the Maxillary and mandibular arches, Created space for impacted canines and premolars and/or anterior teeth
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander and Partial braces
Results Achieved:
Prevented Extraction of the permanent premolars in very severe crowding malocclusion, Expanded the Maxillary and mandibular arches, Created space for impacted canines and premolars and/or anterior teeth
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary and mandibular severe crowding, Impacted canines, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Phase I: Palatal Expander and Partial braces
Results Achieved:
Prevented Extraction of the permanent premolars in very severe crowding malocclusion, Expanded the Maxillary and mandibular arches, Created space for impacted canines and premolars and/or anterior teeth
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III malocclusion with anterior cross-bite, severe crowding, impacted canines, misaligned midlines, and sleep apnea with snoring and mouth breathing.
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non-extraction approach using a palatal expander and partial braces to create space and correct severe crowding.
Results Achieved:
Prevented extractions, expanded arches, corrected crowding, improved malocclusion, and significantly reduced sleep apnea, snoring, and mouth breathing.
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III malocclusion with anterior cross-bite, open-bite, severe maxillary and mandibular crowding, impacted canines, misaligned midlines, sleep apnea, and snoring.
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non-extraction treatment using a palatal expander and partial braces to create space and correct severe crowding, addressing both dental and breathing issues.
Results Achieved:
Prevented extractions, expanded arches, created space for impacted canines, improved malocclusion, and significantly reduced sleep apnea, snoring, and breathing difficulties. Set up for an easier Phase II.

Phase 1 Braces

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III malocclusion with edge-to-edge overbite, severe maxillary and mandibular crowding, misaligned midlines, deformed arch forms, severe sleep apnea, snoring, and mouth breathing.
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non-extraction, non-surgical approach with Phase I using a palatal expander and Invisalign First to create space, correct crowding, and improve arch forms.
Results Achieved:
Prevented extractions, expanded arches, created space, improved malocclusion, aligned midlines, and significantly reduced sleep apnea, snoring, and mouth breathing. Set up for an easier Phase II.
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II malocclusion with severe overbite and overjet, severe crowding, impacted canines, misaligned maxillary and mandibular midlines, deformed arch forms, sleep apnea, snoring, and mouth breathing.
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non-extraction treatment using a palatal expander and Invisalign First to expand the arches, create space, and correct crowding without the need for extractions or surgery.
Results Achieved:
Prevented extractions, expanded arches, created space for impacted teeth, corrected severe malocclusion, aligned midlines, coordinated archforms, eliminated sleep apnea, and resolved snoring and mouth breathing.

Phase 1 Invisalign

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Severe Class III skeletal open-bite, Anterior open-bite, Posterior open-bite, Patient only had one tooth biting in the second molar region
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Braces and Surgical Orthognathic
Results achieved:
Closed anterior and posterior open bite, Bring all molars in occlusion, Achieve an excellent patient profile and smile
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Edge-Edge overbite, Severe maxillary (upper ) and mandibular (lower) crowding, Unideal arch forms, Constricted arches, Maxillary and Mandibular midlines were not aligned
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Braces, Orthognathic surgery
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental Edge to Edge overbite and overjet, Mild maxillary (upper ) crowding and mild mandibular (lower) crowding Severe curve of spee, Constricted maxillary arch, Unideal arch forms, Severe sleep apnea
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Braces, Orthognathic surgery
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion Ideal Overjet and overbite Ideal teeth alignment Ideal coordinated Arch form Ideal aligned midline to the face, Corrected sleep apnea, Expanded maxillary arch, Improved facial appearance
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and Dental, Severe overbite and overjet, Anterior open bite, Mild maxillary (upper) spacing and mild mandibular (lower) crowding, Constricted maxillary arch, Severe sleep apnea
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Braces, Orthognathic surgery
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Corrected sleep apnea, Expanded maxillary arch, Improved facial appearance
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II skeletal and Dental, Moderate maxillary (upper ) and moderate mandibular (lower) crowding, Edge to edge bite, Constricted maxillary arch, Mild sleep apnea, Difficulty breathing and pause while sleeping
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Braces, Orthognathic surgery
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face, Created ideal smile arc, Corrected sleep apnea, Expanded maxillary arch

Orthognathic Surgery

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Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III Malocclusion, Class III skeletal, Severe maxillary (upper ) and mandibular (lower) crowding, Edge-Edge overbite, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Not aligned Maxillary and Mandibular midlines
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non Extraction, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Ideal Class I occlusion, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated Arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class II skeletal and Dental, Severe overbite, Severe maxillary (upper) crowding, Edge to Edge, Unideal and deformed arch forms, Missing lower second premolars, Needs implants
Orthodontic Treatment:
Made exact space for implants due to missing lower second premolars, Orthognathic surgery, Invisalign
Results Achieved:
Although the patient had two missing lower teeth, the final occlusion (bite) is ideal, Ideal Overjet and overbite, Ideal teeth alignment, Ideal coordinated arch form, Ideal aligned midline to the face
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III malocclusion with peg maxillary lateral incisors, deep overbite, severe crowding, impacted canines, misaligned midlines, and mouth breathing.
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non-extraction approach with Phase I using a palatal expander and partial braces, followed by Phase II Invisalign Teen. Made space for permanent lateral incisors.
Results Achieved:
Prevented extractions, expanded arches, created space for ideal lateral incisors, corrected crowding, aligned midlines, created ideal occlusion, and resolved mouth breathing.
Orthodontic Diagnosis:
Class III skeletal and dental malocclusion with an edge-to-edge overbite, posterior cross-bite, severe upper crowding, unideal constricted arch forms, and misaligned maxillary and mandibular midlines.
Orthodontic Treatment:
Non-extraction and non-surgical treatment using hybrid orthodontics combining Invisalign and partial braces to address crowding, misalignment, and bite issues.
Results Achieved:
Achieved ideal Class I occlusion, overjet, overbite, aligned teeth, coordinated arch forms, and fully aligned midlines, providing both functional and aesthetic improvements.

Special Cases

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Merna Tajaddod Orthodontics

4157 El Camino Way, Suite A
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 854-8888
Admin Day
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